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Little Deer Creek Farm
AKC Great Pyrenees

Dragonfly HEL Apache 1*M
Registration Number:D001903155 (PB Doe)
Date of Birth: July 3, 2017
View Pedigree:
Dam: Flat Rock’s Santeria
Sire: Dragonfly IH Helios
Height: 20.5"
DHI: 2020 complete
Lactation: #2
Days in Milk: 291
Milk in pounds: 654
Fat in pounds (%): 39 (6.0)
Protein in pounds (%): 28 (4.3)
Kidding History:
2019: 3 does
2020: 5 does (Little Deer Creek BW Cherokee-retained)
2021: 3 bucks 1 doe
2022: 3 bucks 2 does
2023: 4 bucks 1 doe (Little Deer Creek BB Chippewa-retained)
2023: 3 bucks 2 does
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